Nutrition and Oral Health
Ministerial visit in Ghauri Dental Centre

“Nutrition and Oral Health”

Nutrition plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal oral health. A well-balanced diet not only contributes to overall well-being but also significantly influences the condition of your teeth and gums. Here’s a concise overview of the connection between nutrition and oral health.
1   Calcium for Strong Teeth:

Calcium is a vital mineral for building strong teeth and bones. Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt are excellent sources of calcium. Including these in your diet helps fortify tooth enamel, providing a robust defence against decay.

2   Vitamin C for Gum Health:

Vitamin C is essential for the health of your gums. Citrus fruits, strawberries, and leafy greens are rich in vitamin C, promoting collagen formation and helping prevent gum diseases like gingivitis.

3   Phosphorus for Tooth Structure:

Phosphorus, found in foods like meat, fish, and nuts, plays a crucial role in the formation and maintenance of tooth structure. It works in tandem with calcium to ensure the strength and integrity of teeth.

4   Vitamin D for Calcium Absorption:

Vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium, contributing to the development of strong teeth. Sun exposure and dietary sources like fatty fish, fortified cereals, and egg yolks help maintain optimal vitamin D levels.

5   Limiting Sugars and Acids:

Minimizing the consumption of sugary and acidic foods and beverages is essential for preventing tooth decay. Bacteria in the mouth thrive on sugars, producing acids that erode enamel. Opt for water, and when consuming sugary treats, do so in moderation.

In summary, a nutrient-rich diet that includes calcium, vitamin C, phosphorus, and vitamin D, coupled with the avoidance of excessive sugars and acids, is fundamental for promoting good oral health. Integrating these dietary principles into your routine supports not only a vibrant overall health but also a radiant smile.

We can schedule an appointment for you, our dentists will discuss your diet and recommend beneficial changes for you to make. Your dentist will also advise you on disease management if this has occurred and arrange for appointments to carry out an agreed treatment plan.

To book your visit, please call us:

Notting Hill Branch – 020 7229 4813

Shepherds Bush Branch – 020 8743 4065

Heston Branch – 020 8570 0435