Dental Anxiety
Ministerial visit in Ghauri Dental Centre

“Dental Anxiety”

Dental anxiety and fear of the dentist are common issues, making them directly related to stopping your being able to access dental services. 

The following tips will help you reduce your dental anxiety:

Open Communication: We encourage our patients to share their fears with the dental team. This way, the dentist can adapt their approach to make you feel more comfortable.

Choose a Compassionate Dentist: Our practices have very experienced dentists who are experienced in helping anxious patients with empathy and understanding. Tell the receptionist and he/she will schedule you with the most suitable dentist for your needs.

Distraction Techniques: Advise using headphones to listen to calming music or an audiobook during procedures to divert attention.

Relaxation Methods: Breathing exercises, yoga, and mindfulness techniques can help reduce anxiety during dental visits.

Scheduled Breaks: You can discuss with your dentist about taking short breaks during appointments if you are feeling overwhelmed.

Gradual Exposure: We recommend starting with routine check-ups to build trust and gradually work up to more complex treatments.

Positive Reinforcement: We encourage you to reward yourself after dental appointments, creating positive associations with dental care.

Support System: May we stress the importance of having a friend or family member accompany you if you are anxious to provide emotional support.

Professional Help: In extreme cases, a therapist specialising in dental anxiety can be a valuable resource.

These tips can help you manage your dental anxiety, making dental care a less intimidating experience.

For an appointment, or to book a check-up:

Contact Us:

Notting Hill Branch – 020 7229 4813

Shepherds Bush Branch – 020 8743 4065

Heston Branch – 020 8570 0435